Talked to Dad for a few
minutes today. He was on his way to give clothes to a homeless man who’s about
his size. Dad’s favorite clothing item has, for years, been his flannel-lined
khakis. He wears them every day in the winter, but he heard about this person’s
need and decided that three pairs are enough. He doesn’t need four. Awwww… Have I mentioned that I love this man?
Anyway, I was talking to Mom
and Dad on speaker-phone. Somewhere in the course of the conversation, he said
something about my age (28), and I asked him how old he was. “Seventy-four and
a half,” he said.
“You’re older than that,” I responded.
“Okay, seventy-four and
eleven and a half twelfths,” said he, the former math teacher.
“That makes you awful close
to a birthday, old man,” I said.
So I went on to ask him what
he wanted for his birthday.
It was perfect. It was so, so perfect.
He asked for a card.
My fabulous mother was right there and I’m so
impressed with her for not busting a gut. “I don’t want anything, Sarah,
really,” he said. “I don’t want you to spend anything on me. I have everything
I need. I just want a card. And I don’t want a card that has to do with lack of
So there you have it--- he
just wants a card and he doesn’t want it to have to do with lack of hair. No bald jokes
for the old man, please.
He sounds like a keeper! Can't wait to pick out a card for him!